Day25 ----> 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge @TWS

Day25 ----> 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge @TWS

Day 25 Task: Complete Jenkins CI/CD Project with Documentation

I can imagine catching up will be tough so take a small breather today and complete the Jenkins CI/CD project and add documentation.

Did you finish Day 24?

  • Day 24 will give you an End to End project and adding it to your resume will be a cherry on the top.

  • take more time, finish the project, add a Documentation, add it to your Resume and post about it today.

    DAY 24 Task --->



  • Also, it's important to keep smaller goals, as it's a small task, think of a small Goal you can accomplish.

  • Write about it using this template

  • Have small goals and strategies to achieve them, and also have a small reward for yourself.

Day 25 task is completed!

90DaysOfDevOps Tasks👇

Chaitannyaa Gaikwad | LinkedIn