Day20 ----> 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge @TWS

Day20 ----> 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge @TWS

Day 20 Task: Docker for DevOps Engineers

Now it's time to take your Docker skills to the next level by creating a comprehensive cheat sheet of all the commands you've learned so far.

This cheat sheet should include commands for both Docker and Docker-Compose, as well as brief explanations of their usage. This cheat sheet will not only help you in the future but also contribute to the DevOps community by providing a useful resource for others.πŸ˜ŠπŸ™Œ

Cheat sheet

So, put your knowledge and creativity to the test and create a cheat sheet that truly stands out! πŸš€

I have added a cheat sheet for your reference, Make sure every cheatsheet must be UNIQUE

Post it on Linkedin and Spread the knowledge.πŸ˜ƒ

LinkedIn Post

Happy Learning :)

Day20 task is completed!

90DaysOfDevOps TasksπŸ‘‡

(6) Activity | Chaitannyaa Gaikwad | LinkedIn