Day 27 Task: Jenkins Declarative Pipeline with Docker
Day 26 was all about a Declarative pipeline, now its time to level up things, let's integrate Docker and your Jenkins declarative pipeline
Use your Docker Build and Run Knowledge
docker build - you can use sh 'docker build . -t <tag>'
in your pipeline stage block to run the docker build command. (Make sure you have docker installed with correct permissions.
docker run: you can use sh 'docker run -d <image>'
in your pipeline stage block to build the container.
How will the stages look?
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'docker build -t trainwithshubham/django-app:latest'
- Create a docker-integrated Jenkins declarative pipeline
- Use the above-given syntax using
inside the stage block
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage ("code"){
steps {
git url: '', branch: 'develop'
stage ("Build"){
steps {
sh 'docker build -t chaitannyaa/django-todo-app:v-${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} .'
stage ("login and push image"){
steps {
echo 'Logging into docker and pushing an image on dockerhub'
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DockerHub', passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'user')]) {
sh "docker login -u ${env.user} -p ${env.password}"
sh "docker push chaitannyaa/django-todo-app:v-${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}"
stage ("Deploy"){
steps {
sh 'docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d'
- You will face errors in case of running a job twice, as the docker container will be already created, so for that do task 2
- Create a docker-integrated Jenkins declarative pipeline using the
groovy syntax inside the stage block.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
steps {
git url: '', branch: 'develop'
stage("Build and push image"){
steps {
script {
def dockerImage ="chaitannyaa/django-todo-app:v-${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}", "--build-arg BUILD_NUMBER=${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} .")
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DockerHub', passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'user')]) {
docker.withRegistry("", "DockerHub") {
steps {
sh '''
if [[ -f /home/ubuntu/db.sqlite3 ]]; then
echo "Perfect"
echo '1180' | sudo -S rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Django-app-CICD-Pipeline/db.sqlite3
echo '1180' | sudo -S cp -r /home/ubuntu/db.sqlite3 /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Django-app-CICD-Pipeline/
echo '1180' | sudo -S cp -r /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Django-app-CICD-Pipeline/db.sqlite3 /home/ubuntu/db.sqlite3
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
- You won't face errors, you can Follow this documentation
Complete your previous projects using this Declarative pipeline approach
Happy Learning:)
Day27 task is completed!
90DaysOfDevOps Tasks👇